Saturday 9 April 2011

Guess who's back?

If I'm not the laziest blogger, hahaha!
I'm going raw again and so here I am. Today has been a 100% raw day so far (minus the copious cups of mint and rosemary tea), but I'm about to dilute that with some fried plantain and a fried egg. That was my only non-raw meal yesterday as well. Feeling good so far and planning to stick to it!

Made a whole batch of juice yesterday and I made a lovely (Otahiti) apple and banana smoothie today. I have (Otahiti) apple and carrot juice in store for first thing tomorrow as well, yummy. I've decided to add cooked foods (deliberately) to my diet however and see how that works. Yam, banana, sweet potato, callaloo, cabbage, pak choi----I can't wait!

I'll try to be a better blogger this time. Tweet me @BeautifulEarth1 :D