Saturday 12 September 2009

Another 2nd day (countdowns make me antsy!)

Obviously the things that are easy to do get done and the things that are hard to do don't get done.

Yesterday I:
1. Spent more than 30 minutes cleaning the living room and putting all the novels in the house on the bookshelf (except the ones on my bed LOL).
2. Went to the gym, did legs (ouch!).
3. Learnt a new spanish phrase (so there!) --los dedos gordos de los pies (big toes).
4. Ate mostly raw---hmm, I guess you can see what the hard one is!

Well I don't know if the 30 day challenge is gonna work with my diet because I've just not yet built up the self-discipline to say no to everything I should. We went for pizza last night at my suggestion (first mistake). I ordered salad with the cheese, the cooked mushrooms, and the dressing on the side. [The salad came with lightly fried bread as well, hmmm.] Anyway, while the salad was yummy (avocado, yay!), I felt I had no choice but to eat the bread and the mushrooms because there salad was so effing small! Now this salad is on the menu as a main meal, not a side dish so I don't know which tiny bird they expect that to fill! Cho! Anyway, while Chris' pizza (with extra goat's cheese) looked yummy, I refrained from asking for a lil teeny-weeny so-small-no-one-would-notice bite, so that was a success :-)

Today a friend of mine is coming so there will definitely be more cleaning (my desk in the living room is still in a state!!!). That's the first thing on the list this morning :-)
More eating raw is next as I have to drink some tea and make a smoothie (will it be good?) from my carrots, beets, greens juice concoction.
No gym today, but definitely tomorrow (if I can walk! ouch)
Spanish is often the last thing of the day because La Hermandad is my bedtime reading (about a page a night so far) and then it gives me all day to repeat the word/phrase I learnt in my head and out loud to make it stick.
And today is the day I write out my large and small goals and stick some of them on the wall so I can see them everyday...
Oh, I think I'll add "getting up within 30 minutes of waking" as another 30-day challenge and then maybe next month I can try "getting up at 8am in the winter" (HAHAHAHAHA, oh, plz god no), we'll see how it goes.


  1. i'll wake you up at 6am in the winter :-) together we will make that goal easy!

  2. That is a very good start. As long as you won't quit that is more than good enough. :-)
