Friday 4 September 2009

The Return of the Gym

Ok, so here's what I ate today (yes, there is a point to this...):

I got up at 10.45 (or so) and had 1/2 cup hot water and lemon
I then had a 1/2 glass watermelon juice (was juiced last night at our first ever juice party!!)
At say 12.30pm I had 4/5 of a large vegetable salad w/humus and 1/2 cup peppermint tea

I left for the gym at about 1.30pm and I did cardio for approx 50 mins (5 mins rowing warm up, 32 mins of cycling, 10 minutes on the elliptical). Since it was my first day back at the gym in 2.5 months (and I haven't put a programme together yet), I decided cardio would be enough to get back into it. Anyway, I went on the scale and it told me 53.5kg (117 lbs) which means I've lost 8lbs since I was in B'dos at the beginning of August. I'm not trying to lose weight; not eating does that quite fine! LOL. But seriously, I'm hoping to get to some kind of stable weight in the next few months as I get my eating into a pattern. I'm kinda scared of what that weight might be tho, I'm not thinking under 110lbs would look cute on me at all!!!! But I weight training will likely make me heavier, even while I look slimmer....

Anyway, the point of this blog:
I thought I might not feel well without food at the gym (altho I wasn't feeling hungry) so I brought 1/2 glass of green juice diluted with water with me. (Green juice is w/e greens I have in the fridge. Last night it was spinach, celery, parsley, broccoli w/pineapple, melon, and lemon.) Glad to report that I had a lot of energy and I was just mentally lazy so I didn't stay longer.

I always thought I had to eat a 'good, solid' amount about 3 hours before going to gym. But I've found (from May and June when I was detoxing and still gyming) that when I'm 'light' going into the gym I have more energy, more stamina and so end up working harder and longer! So there! Gym is back!


  1. Hey, I find if you don't need to lose weight you won't (and I certainly don't think you need to!). The weight loss may just be from the shock your body is in from the drastic change you have now made to your diet. As your body adjusts you will maintain and perhaps even put on back some, because this diet's ultimate aim is to put the body back into balance. If you don't want to wait for your body to lose and put back on, then I would recommend getting in more fruit. Fruit has higher calories, eat enough to maintain, because vegetables have near to zero calories, and juicing usually involves separating the fibre from the food. With that said, still get in plenty juices and veggies (esp greens) - they are highly beneficial, especially in the initial phase. You look great by the way.

    For some reason I am having difficulties adding you on 30BAD, the network seems to have glitches. If it is possible, can you leave a comment on my profile, or try and add me? This is the link to it -

    I also appreciate the link you shared with me on dry brushing. It may certainly be the missing link to solving my issues. I am blogging on it now as we speak.

    Thanks again!

  2. everyone is lying to use about what we must and must not do. this new lifestyle is testing these very lies. now tell me more about the raw journey, many a day has past since a update.

  3. Rawshida, I seemed to have been on a different 30 bananas a day!!! I've signed up to the link you've given me, so you should be able to find me.

    Chris, I'm blogging now :-)

  4. I did find you, the problem is every time I try to add you, it takes me back to the sign up page, and when I try to select sign in, I can't access that option, only the sign up one. Yet, if comments are made on my profile or discussion, I am able to click on the link in my email, and it takes me there just fine, signed in and all.
