Tuesday 15 September 2009

Wasting away (sigh)

So the 1/2 kilos keeps going--I've lost another 2.2 lbs since I last reported my weight. I've not been eating the last two days (a half juice fast, with a salad here and there). Again, I don't think I need to lose weight and I haven't seen this size in several years, but I've been doing what my digestion dictates. I've realised my digestive system is very lazy---any time I give it any work to do, it start complaining (loudly!) and I have to take my peppermint tablets (not cool). So I've been giving it only a lil bit of work to do, with lots of juice and not much solids.

Still, I think I'll eat some more nuts because I haven't been eating much of that and I think the fat in it should help me increase my calorie intake and to give me some other nutrients that I wont get from fruits, vegs, and greens.

1. I was in the gym today and that was good :-)
2. Several new spanish words -atuendo (attire), calzar (to dress), calcetines (socks), gastado (worn)- and I hear memorisation helps keep your brain young, so double benefits!
3. I did the 1/2 hour cleaning today altho I didn't want to...yay me for still doing it.
4. The raw part is coming, I had some crackers today, hope I'm not paying for it tomorrow (but I bet I will). Lots of juice today, have more juicing to do tonight to make space for my organic fruit and veg box, which is arriving early in the AM tomorrow.

Have you set any specific goals/actions for tomorrow? Tomorrow the big challenge will be to clear my bed....oooh, that's a tough one!!!


  1. Great to see that you are keeping track with forming your new habits lol. Question: What is your gym routine like - how long per day, what sort of activities you do there, etc.? You may want to consider either cutting back on the time (per day or per week) you go, and also changing up the routine, less cardio more strength training (this will build muscle and ultimately put on/maintain weight as a result).

  2. I actually don't do a lot of cardio, it's generally just an addition to my strength training routine. I mostly do cardio for heart workout and the endurance training, less for any calorie-burning potential. In terms of gym overall, I do gym 3-4 times a week (I cycle thru a 3-part programme covering lower body [legs], chest and core, and arms and shoulders).
